

Truth for Life Ministries

On February 27, 1995, Truth For Life began airing its 25-minute daily program on seven radio stations. Today, they can now be heard in every major market across the US, and also in select Canadian markets, through over 1,900 radio stations and outlets. The unique expositional teaching of Alistair Begg is internationally known as an inspiring source for clear, relevant instruction rooted firmly in Scripture. Studying God’s Word each day, verse by verse, is the hallmark of their ministry.

Ligionier Ministires

Ligonier Ministries exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible. They support the church by providing trustworthy teaching to help Christians know what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it.

Reformation heritage books

Reformation Heritage Books (RHB) is a publisher and bookseller whose mission is, by the Spirit’s grace, to aim for the conversion of unbelievers and equip the saints to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry, via books, tracts, and other resources. RHB aims that reading material be God-glorifying and be in accord with the Scriptures and historic Reformed creeds for the promotion and defense of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that this purpose is well-served by providing instruction and training that develops knowledge and skills as well as the personal piety and Christian character that is essential for a faithful and growing life in Christ.

Grace to you ministries

We use mass media to expose John’s teaching to as wide an audience as possible “for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12–13, NASB).

Reformed baptist academic press

RBAP exists in order to help fill a gap in Reformed theological literature in our day. Many excellent Reformed publishing companies have been producing quality literature for many, many years. In recent years, however, confessional Reformed Baptist churches have multiplied by the blessing of God throughout the world. These churches adhere to a common Confession of Faith–The Second London Confession of Faith of 1677/1689 (2nd LCF). Along with these churches come pastors and future pastors in need of theological literature upholding the theology of the Confession.

literal word bible app

Literal Word exists to promote the Word of God and not much else. No ads. No frames. No logging in. No distractions. Simply the Word. We believe that the Bible contains the most important information that anyone could ever come across and that accessing it should be as easy as possible. This belief has driven every decision we’ve made designing Literal Word. World class literal translations (NASB and ESV) were selected for their faithfulness to the original languages. Each page of Scripture is clean, customizable, and shareable with a single click, allowing the reader to focus exclusively on the God-breathed content. Searches are simple but powerful, utilizing a unique visual interface for organizing results with precision. It all comes down to the idea that a minimalist approach to an online Bible maximizes attention to the Word of God.

canon Press

Canon Press is about a full-orbed approach to how our theology comes out of our fingertips into the world God gave us. We aim to change the world through simple, Christ-centered, faithful living.

They believe reformation and revival start from faith in the Lord with joyful obedience to the Bible, and that is what makes everyday tasks significant and transforms culture.

As the wisest man said, “Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart; for God has already accepted your works” (Eccl. 9:7).

covenant baptist theological seminary

CBTS is a Confessional Reformed Baptist Seminary Providing Affordable Online Theological Education to Help the Church in its Calling to Train Faithful Men for the Gospel Ministry.

Truth for Life Ministries

On February 27, 1995, Truth For Life began airing its 25-minute daily program on seven radio stations. Today, they can now be heard in every major market across the US, and also in select Canadian markets, through over 1,900 radio stations and outlets. The unique expositional teaching of Alistair Begg is internationally known as an inspiring source for clear, relevant instruction rooted firmly in Scripture. Studying God’s Word each day, verse by verse, is the hallmark of their ministry.

Ligionier Ministires

Ligonier Ministries exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible. They support the church by providing trustworthy teaching to help Christians know what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it.

Reformed baptist academic press

RBAP exists in order to help fill a gap in Reformed theological literature in our day. Many excellent Reformed publishing companies have been producing quality literature for many, many years. In recent years, however, confessional Reformed Baptist churches have multiplied by the blessing of God throughout the world. These churches adhere to a common Confession of Faith–The Second London Confession of Faith of 1677/1689 (2nd LCF). Along with these churches come pastors and future pastors in need of theological literature upholding the theology of the Confession.

literal word bible app

Literal Word exists to promote the Word of God and not much else. No ads. No frames. No logging in. No distractions. Simply the Word. We believe that the Bible contains the most important information that anyone could ever come across and that accessing it should be as easy as possible. This belief has driven every decision we’ve made designing Literal Word. World class literal translations (NASB and ESV) were selected for their faithfulness to the original languages. Each page of Scripture is clean, customizable, and shareable with a single click, allowing the reader to focus exclusively on the God-breathed content. Searches are simple but powerful, utilizing a unique visual interface for organizing results with precision. It all comes down to the idea that a minimalist approach to an online Bible maximizes attention to the Word of God.

canon Press

Canon Press is about a full-orbed approach to how our theology comes out of our fingertips into the world God gave us. We aim to change the world through simple, Christ-centered, faithful living.

They believe reformation and revival start from faith in the Lord with joyful obedience to the Bible, and that is what makes everyday tasks significant and transforms culture.

As the wisest man said, “Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart; for God has already accepted your works” (Eccl. 9:7).

covenant baptist theological seminary

CBTS is a Confessional Reformed Baptist Seminary Providing Affordable Online Theological Education to Help the Church in its Calling to Train Faithful Men for the Gospel Ministry.

Contact us

9 Reed Rd. Windsor, ME 04363
