family education hour @ 9 AM      |     worship service @ 10 AM

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God’s Word—the Bible—drives all that we do.
We believe it is inspired (breathed out by God), infallible (completely authoritative), and inerrant (it is without any error). With this high view of Scripture, it is our sincere intention to base all of our church’s doctrine and practice on the Bible. 

Join us this Sunday

family education hour | 9 AM

Children’s Sunday School: We joyfully acknowledge God has given parents the role of raising their children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” However, we count it a privilege to assist parents in the important task of training their children in the truths of God’s Word. We currently have four Sunday School classes for the following ages: 2-4, 5-7, 8-10, and 11-13. 

Adult/Teen Sunday School: Over the years we have studied many practical and theological topics during this gathering: Christian ethics, marriage, hermeneutics, biblical theology, and much more. 

Worship service | 10 AM

Worship on the Lord’s Day is the pinnacle of our church’s week. We believe that from this congregational gathering flows the nourishment we need to sustain us as a church and individuals throughout the rest of the week. In worship, we ascend together—without presumption—into the presence of the true and living God is who is a consuming fire (Heb. 12:29). We hear God’s Word (Scripture readings), we see God’s Word (Communion), we pray God’s Word, we sing God’s Word, and we preach God’s Word. 


It’s no secret that churches differ from one another. You may read a statement of faith on several different churches websites and notice that they are nearly identical, yet when you visit the churches, they all look and function differently. 

located in central maine

Located in the heart of the great state of Maine, Windsor Christian Fellowship has been serving in Kennebec county for over 185 years. Our congregation consists of people from many local towns and several different counties.

covenant chronicles

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Let us know if there is something we can help with. Send our Elders a message by filling out the form below.

family education hour @ 9 AM      |     worship service @ 10 AM



God’s Word—the Bible—drives all that we do at WCF.
We believe it is inspired (breathed out by God), infallible (completely authoritative), and inerrant (it is without any error). With this high view of Scripture, it is our sincere intention to base all of our church’s doctrine and practice on the Bible.

Join us this Sunday

family education hour | 9 AM

Children’s Sunday School: We joyfully acknowledge God has given parents the role of raising their children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” However, we count it a privilege to assist parents in the important task of training their children in the truths of God’s Word. We currently have four Sunday School classes for the following ages: 2-4, 5-7, 8-10, and 11-13. 

Adult/Teen Sunday School: Over the years we have studied many practical and theological topics during this gathering: Christian ethics, marriage, hermeneutics, biblical theology, and much more. 

Worship service | 10 AM

Worship on the Lord’s Day is the pinnacle of our church’s week. We believe that from this congregational gathering flows the nourishment we need to sustain us as a church and individuals throughout the rest of the week. In worship, we ascend together—without presumption—into the presence of the true and living God is who is a consuming fire (Heb. 12:29). We hear God’s Word (Scripture readings), we see God’s Word (Communion), we pray God’s Word, we sing God’s Word, and we preach God’s Word. 


It’s no secret that churches differ from one another. You may read a statement of faith on several different churches websites and notice that they are nearly identical, yet when you visit the churches, they all look and function differently. 

RECENT sermons

located in central maine

Located in the heart of the great state of Maine, Windsor Christian Fellowship has been serving in Kennebec county for over 185 years. Our congregation consists of people from many local towns and several different counties.

covenant chronicles

Recent Posts

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Let us know if there is something we can help with. Send our Elders a message by filling out the form below.

family education hour @ 9 AM | worship service @ 10 AM



God’s Word—the Bible—drives all that we do at Windsor Christian Fellowship. 
We believe it is inspired (breathed out by God), infallible (completely authoritative), and inerrant (it is without any error). With this high view of Scripture, it is our sincere intention to base all of our church’s doctrine and practice on the Bible. 

Join us
this Sunday

family education hour | 9 AM

Children’s Sunday School: We joyfully acknowledge God has given parents the role of raising their children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” However, we count it a privilege to assist parents in the important task of training their children in the truths of God’s Word. We currently have four Sunday School classes for the following ages: 2-4, 5-7, 8-10, and 11-13. 

Adult/Teen Sunday School: Over the years we have studied many practical and theological topics during this gathering: Christian ethics, marriage, hermeneutics, biblical theology, and much more. 

Worship service | 10 AM

Worship on the Lord’s Day is the pinnacle of our church’s week. We believe that from this congregational gathering flows the nourishment we need to sustain us as a church and individuals throughout the rest of the week. In worship, we ascend together—without presumption—into the presence of the true and living God is who is a consuming fire (Heb. 12:29). We hear God’s Word (Scripture readings), we see God’s Word (Communion), we pray God’s Word, we sing God’s Word, and we preach God’s Word. 


It’s no secret that churches differ from one another. You may read a statement of faith on several different churches websites and notice that they are nearly identical, yet when you visit the churches, they all look and function differently. 

located in central maine

In the heart of the great state of Maine, Windsor Christian Fellowship has been serving in Kennebec county for over 185 years. Our congregation consists of people from many local towns and several different counties.

covenant chronicles

Recent Posts

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Let us know if there is something we can help with. Send our Elders a message by filling out the form below.

Contact us

9 Reed Rd. Windsor, ME 04363
