Aspiring Cohort [Catch Up]

Aspiring Cohort [Catch Up]

As previously mentioned, we have shifted Aspiring Cohort to be open not just to aspiring leaders but all our men and young men. Several were unable to be there this last week, so I thought it would be good to share a link to what was covered in our most recent meeting. You can read that by clicking here.

For the coming meetings, we’ll be looking into the life of Parson Jonathan Fisher who pastored in Blue Hill, ME, in the 19th century. In the first meeting, I worked through how I came into contact with Fisher along with a brief introduction to his life. If you missed it on Thursday, you’ll want to read it so you’ll have the ground work down for all that comes next.

I hope this study will be beneficial to you. Fisher has been an incredible challenge to me, and like I mentioned Thursday night, he is the most fascinating pastor I’ve ever studied. May we follow Fisher insomuch as he followed our Lord!


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Picture of Brandon Dyer

Brandon Dyer

Elder | Pastor-Teacher


Picture of Brandon Dyer

Brandon Dyer

Elder | Pastor-Teacher

Picture of Brandon Dyer

Brandon Dyer

Elder | Pastor-Teacher

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