Covenant Chronicles

Brandon Dyer

What Happens to Babies Who Die?

Pastors hear this question often. In just the last several weeks it has been asked twice of me and, whether true or not, it is usually safe to assume there is an underlying reason for it being asked. In other words, the question usually doesn’t come from left field but some of kind of personal experience. The pain of miscarriages, abortions, and child-death wreaks havoc on the memories of many. I remember being a teenager when one of our pastor’s daughters died in infancy. It was the first funeral I had ever attended, yet one thing a funeral like that makes you think is, “Caskets should never have to be made that small.” A few years later, while in college,

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Brandon Dyer

What Could be Accomplished in 6 1/2 Minutes?

We throw away this amount of time quite often. If each minute has purchase power (Eph. 5:16), what are we doing with our time? Many of you know of my love for Jonathan Fisher (1768–1847) who was a pastor in Blue Hill, ME for many years. He had a preeminent concern over time and his time usage. One pastor said something like this of him after his death, “As a miser is with his money, so Fisher was with his minutes.” How are we with our minutes? Do we squander them like a prodigal, or do we redeem them like a wise man? We are beginning a new sermon series this coming Sunday on the book of Titus. Unlike the

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Brandon Dyer

Coming Sermon & Teaching Series

Over the next several months, we will be entering into three new studies together as a church! I’m excited about all of these new series/classes and look forward to preaching/teaching them. We want you to be aware of them for a couple of reasons:  2. Begin Reading   So, where are we going? There are three main settings in the context of Windsor’s teaching/preaching ministry: Midweek Bible Study, Sunday School, and Lord’s Day Worship.  Midweek Bible Study & Prayer For around the past year and a half, we have been working through the book of Romans together in this setting. It has been a treat to work through Paul’s Magnum Opus! However, we will be done within the next month.  Our next

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Brandon Dyer

The Music We Sing in Worship

A primary concern for many, when choosing a church, is in regard to the songs and/or style of music played within the context of the worship service. Are the songs “contemporary” stylistically with drums and electric guitars or are they “traditional” with a piano and organ? Twenty-five years ago it was not uncommon to see a church split up their services: at 9AM they might have a “traditional service” with hymns, and at 10:30AM they might have a “contemporary service” with songs fresh from Christian radio. Without getting too much into the weeds, I want to simply address our approach at Windsor Christian Fellowship. Through the years, I’ve had the opportunity to teach and speak on this subject both publicly

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Brandon Dyer

The Empty Tomb, Angels, and the Ark of the Covenant

In the sermon on 2/18, I briefly mentioned the two angels in the tomb that Mary Magdalene saw are reminiscent of the two angels on the Ark of the Covenant; however, I didn’t give much of a rationale for pointing that out. In his commentary on John, Edward Klink provides several reasons for seeing this connection that may be of interest to you: There are numerous verbal and conceptual links that support this interpretation. First, there is a spatial relationship between the location of the ark and the body of Jesus. The ark was in the innermost chamber of the tabernacle and separated by a veil (Exod 40:3, 21); Jesus’s body was placed in a burial chamber and separated by a

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Brandon Dyer

12 Principles on How to Disagree with Other Christians

Whether you be “strong” or “weak” on a particular issue, the Apostle Paul is clear in 1 Corinthians 8 and Romans 14 as to how Christians ought to disagree with one another. Strife and/or separation do not seem to be–at all–the way in which Paul recommends Christians ought to handle their disagreements, but is this not the way many Christians handle disagreement? How can it be, with so much instruction on how to handle disagreement, that Christians either ignorantly or arrogantly go about their own way! In our Midweek Bible Study & Prayer (Wednesday nights at 6:30), we have been working through Romans 14 in a series through the Epistle to the Romans. In this chapter, Paul does not have

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