New Blog!

The word “blog” reminds me of my college days. Boy, weren’t blogs all the rage. Anybody who was anybody seemed to have one, and all of us young, wet-behind-the-ears theologians attempted to make our mark on the evangelical landscape by leveraging this newer technology. Nowadays, podcasts, substacks, YouTube videos, and the like have just about taken over, but my hope is that a semi-regular blog-style post will be helpful to our congregation. 

What to Expect

Many of the posts will include several, brief parts. I spend a fair amount of time during the week utilizing different biblical and theological resources, which I’ll leave links to ones I have found particularly helpful. These could be pertaining to the subject matter of a coming (or past) sermon, a resource to help with family worship, or an album recommendation that you may be encouraged by. Other posts may intentionally go deeper on a particular point from the previous or coming sermon. Others may simply be geared towards encouragement. 

Please note: a recommendation for a particular album, book, or resource does not constitute a wholesale endorsement of the person or organization that produced the content. I will do my best to send helpful resources, but I can find things I disagree with from just about any source. Please be discerning of everything you take in!

In Conclusion 

I hope this will be helpful to you. Until the next post, I hope you have a wonderful Advent season with your families. I’ll be sure to curate some Advent resources and send them to you soon.


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Picture of Brandon Dyer

Brandon Dyer

Elder | Pastor-Teacher


Picture of Brandon Dyer

Brandon Dyer

Elder | Pastor-Teacher

Picture of Brandon Dyer

Brandon Dyer

Elder | Pastor-Teacher

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