What Could be Accomplished in 6 1/2 Minutes?

What Could be Accomplished in 6 1/2 Minutes?

We throw away this amount of time quite often. If each minute has purchase power (Eph. 5:16), what are we doing with our time? Many of you know of my love for Jonathan Fisher (1768–1847) who was a pastor in Blue Hill, ME for many years. He had a preeminent concern over time and his time usage. One pastor said something like this of him after his death, “As a miser is with his money, so Fisher was with his minutes.” How are we with our minutes? Do we squander them like a prodigal, or do we redeem them like a wise man?

We are beginning a new sermon series this coming Sunday on the book of Titus. Unlike the Gospel of John, Titus is very short with only three chapters. On Sunday morning, I decided I would listen through Titus before getting out of bed. When I pulled up the app to play it, I was stunned how long it was going to take–only 6 1/2 minutes with an average of about 2 minutes per chapter.

Here is my encouragement or recommendation for you: listen to and read Titus as much as you can before Sunday.

Waiting for your wife to get out of the store? Read/listen to Titus.

Waiting for the kids to get out of music lessons? Read/listen to Titus.

Driving to the grocery store? Listen to Titus.

And may God add His blessing to the reading and preaching of His holy Word!


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Picture of Brandon Dyer

Brandon Dyer

Elder | Pastor-Teacher


Picture of Brandon Dyer

Brandon Dyer

Elder | Pastor-Teacher

Picture of Brandon Dyer

Brandon Dyer

Elder | Pastor-Teacher

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